Friday, November 20, 2009

Baby Showerdiaper Theme Copy

Non disperdetevi

not grow lax, edited by Rubin and Andrea Tinti Oderso (Shake)

1977-1982 San Francisco, New York, free cities of the world Bologna.Le

New edition of a book critical to reconstruct a cultural scene of the most important lives and history of our country, Bologna 1977-1982, told through the voices of those directly involved, dozens of photographs and original documents. Between 1977 and 1982 the real Italian music was an undisputed capital: Bologna. That's where all the ideas were born, the associations and ideas intended to eventually renovate a building, landscape and stale. Some names were intended to remain in Italian rock legend: Skiantos, Gaznevada, Confusional Quartet, Stupid Set, Hi-Fi Brothers.Ma Bologna Rock was not just music: it was the policy of extra-parliamentary organization, the mavericks, the counterculture. It was the emerging art of comics, performance, had renewed the information of free radio and fanzines. It was the new instruction in the classrooms of Dams.Insomma possible, a city laboratory on the edge of an Italy pretecnologica quite different from that of today. To rebuild this lively cultural scene could take only one path, that of documentation, oral histories, the ordering of materials.

BOOK WITH hundreds of photographs and original documents, large format (20x28 cm).


Friday, November 13, 2009

Best Method For Carpeting An Aluminum Boat

Rumore di carta

noise of paper, Diego Curcio ( Red @ tion )
Storia delle fanzine punk e hardcore italiane dal 1977 al 20072007: il punk italiano compie i suoi primi trent’anni. Anche se nel 1977 la parola d’ordine dei Sex Pistols era “no future”, il discusso movimento ha saputo crescere, rinnovarsi e cambiare pelle nel corso del tempo. Un elemento fondamentale di questa evoluzione sono le fanzine punk (o punkzine), giornali autoprodotti con cui le ragazze e i ragazzi della scena diffondevano le proprie idee in tutta Italia. Queste pubblicazioni, scritte a mano, disegnate, fotocopiate, stampate con mezzi di fortuna e vendute per posta o durante i concerti, rappresentano la testimonianza più interessante e poco studiata di un movimento che ancora oggi raccoglie molti consensi. Not only music, then, but a real way of thinking and living, against the rigid outlines of the steps that società.In Italy, the first punk of the late seventies, led to hardcore social centers such as the Virus Milan and Bologna in the Keep, up to a certain coding of a product that has become antagonistic in some cases a simple kind of music, have been scanned from these sheets in black and white. A collection of images and words that constitute the soul and the historical memory of the punk scene italiana.In this volume, along with a "story" of the Italian hardcore punk (accompanied by a discography essential), you tell punkzine, presentation - through interviews - the authors, analyzing the language and content: an overview poorly understood, unpredictable and representative of a piece of the scene, not only music, still lively.

Target Projector December 2009

Lamette 5 - Speciale spaghetti comics

Blades 5 - special noodles comics, various authors (Razor Comics) comic book

The crudest of Italy on the punk and the culture of self-destructive dirty young - N ° 5 - Special spaghetti comics

Feat Sbrock, Akaba, Simone Firefly, Ratigher, Paper Resistance, Nicoz, Stephen Raft, Maicol & Mirco, SS-Sunda, Silvano, Dr. Pira, Hurricane Ivan, Johnny Grieco. 5 # + Arm ENOUGH special.
